April 23, 2016
Our EVOLUTIONS Spring Break College Trip was another great success! 38 students, parents and staff traveled throughout New England visiting college campuses, sampling college food, and meeting with admissions officers. Schools included Springfield College, Clark University, Worcester Polytechnic, Roger Williams University, Bridgewater State, Olin College of Engineering, Wellesley, and Boston College, and in just three days. It was a great trip. All of our students were outstanding representatives of the EVOLUTIONS programs. Staff were especially impressed with the excellent questions that students asked in the information sessions, and the mature and responsible behavior at the hotel. You made us very proud. A special thank you to EVO alum Daniel Wivagg for giving us a tour of his campus on very short notice. You are the best!
The trip wasn't all work! We also watched some movies on the bus, spent time hanging out at the mall, played games in the hotel lobby, ate gross jelly beans, and while the girls toured Wellesley, Kymani gave the men the best impromptu tour of campus filled with little know "facts" about the history of the school.
Here are some comments from students: "I must say, that without this trip, I would have been stuck in the same frame of reference that I have been in for almost a year. This college trip opened up many new possibilities of where I might want to attend post secondary education. Not only did this tour and trip help me find more colleges that I would like to attend, but it helped me have a better understanding of possibly majors, minors and degrees I may be interested in earning while I attend college. Im am absolutly greatful to have attended this trip." EVO Sophomore This college trip was extremely eye opening for me. For college, the two cities I had in mind are New York City and Boston, but I had never thought to look outside of Boston. Only to find out, I actually really love Massachusetts as a state to go away for college, and this college trip influenced my opinion of the state immensely.- EVO Junior