Sci.CORPS Activities
Sci.CORPS Activities
Sci.CORPS employees use many different activities and tools that help educate the community about the environment around them. They help the community through sharing their observations and research and then conveying them through different ways for the community to understand. One activity for example, would be videos, although Sci.CORPS employees make them short, sweet and to the point. These activities are targeted towards young children, although adults can learn from them too!
Collection Showcase
In COTM, Museum Apprentices (MAs) select and research an artifact from the museum’s collection database. Sample artifacts range from rhodochrosite to spotted salamanders to wood ducks. Using their findings, the MAs create articles and a final presentation about their chosen topic. Through COTM, Sci.CORPS employees learn the essential skills required to succeed as a future Museum Educators; they learn how to research, write and effectively communicate using the 5 Es: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. Employees also learn how to communicate and grasp people’s attention through digital platforms when presenting their final projects. For more information on Museum Apprentices and Museum Educators, check out the Sci.CORPS Structure page!
70 Second Science
70 Second Science videos are short, digestible videos that introduce complex science topics in a fun way. Museum Educators conduct research, draft scripts, and record and edit videos on diverse topics across various fields of science, such as anthropology, zoology, and geology. Notable examples include the videos on the Red River Iron Meteorite, Trilobites, and Predator vs. Prey. Check out the Sci.CORPS YouTube channel to see more!
Employees interested in web development also have the opportunity to work on the Sci.CORPS and EVOLUTIONS website alongside their regular projects. With the help of supervisors and fellow staff, they will develop coding and design skills and implement them into the program's website and social media. Employees will learn to write proper HTML and CSS and create engaging and appealing web pages.