January 21, 2018
Four EVOLUTIONS students were admitted to Yale University through the early action admissions this Fall. 842 students gained admission to Yale in one of the most competitive university application processes in the world. Mahdeen Kahn, senior at James Hillhouse High School is a math team superstar and talented scientist, technology expert and educator at the Peabody. Mahdeen has attended classes for three years, is an interpreter in the Sci.CORPS program, and serves as the museum's website developer. Laura Padilla, senior at Wilbur Cross, attends EVO classes while also being a student at ECA and was a Museum Apprentice in Sci.CORPS. Maya Giradi is a senior at Wilbur Cross and avid at-home scientist. When not attending EVO classes, Maya, finds Yale faculty to work with on a variety of environmental engineering projects. Jacob Spell was unable to complete his senior year with EVO because of his many obligations, including being a member of the New Haven school board, but he will always be part of the EVOLUTIONS community. We are thrilled to know that these students, and all of the rest of our 2018 graduates, have promising college and career experiences ahead of them, and look forward to contued relations with these students, Congratulations Mahdeen, Laura, Maya and Jacob.https://news.yale.edu/2018/01/22/class-2022-admittees-credit-peabody-afterschool-program