
September 25, 2021
Peabody Museum Exhibit Renovation Update By Emma Adams In an effort to make the museum more welcoming to all people, the Yale Peabody Museum has cooperated with Sci.CORPS...
September 19, 2021
Meet Patricia! By Skye Williams & Emma Adams & Jo’vonte Witter Sci.CORPS has hired a new coordinator: Patricia Acorda! As an ESUMS graduate, RPI graduate, and EVO...
August 21, 2021
Preparing For Henri! By Emma Adams and Jazlyn Rivera Everyone got the alert, another hurricane is on its way and it’s heading directly for the northeast. Are you ready for...
September 28, 2020
Classes Begin Soon EVOLUTIONS classes are scheduled to begin this week. Classes are occurring via zoom this semester, which gives us some opportunities to try out new...
July 15, 2020
Sci.CORPS is Evolving! By Thomas Small Evolutions is not your average STEM afterschool program, it provides the student with necessary support and guidance throughout their...
June 15, 2020
Daniela Flores Accepted to Yale We are happy to announce that Wilbur Cross senior Daniela Flores has been accepted to Yale University. Daniela has been an EVO student...
